At Proactive, we focus on our Four Corners of Health approach to underpin the way in which we WORK with the people in our care. Our Four Corners of Health approach focuses on Function (physical activity) Mindset, Nutrition (what we eat), and Sleep form the foundation of our health.
This is relevant whether we are recovering from illness, from injury, working to improve our wellbeing or striving to become the best version of ourselves.
Our Four Corners of Health approach means we work with you to build the knowledge and insight needed to improve your wellbeing, you will have a platform from which to thrive.
Waikato covers the Waikato District, Waipa District, Matamata-Piako District, South Waikato District and Hamilton City, as well as Hauraki, Coromandel Peninsula, the northern King Country, much of the Taupō District, and parts of Rotorua District.
The name for the region is taken from the Waikato River; waikato is a Māori word traditionally translated as “flowing water” (specifically, wai = “water” and kato = “the pull of the river current in the sea”).