

Protect Your Workforce with Expert Vaccination Services from Proactive Occupational Health

At Proactive we can provide and support your workplace with a variety of vaccinations including but not limited to Influenza, Hepatitis A+B , and Tetanus can be given by our specially trained Occupational Health Nurses.

Ensuring the health and safety of your employees is essential for a productive and thriving workplace. Proactive Occupational Health offers tailored Occupational Health Vaccination Services to help protect your team from preventable diseases and illnesses.

  • Comprehensive Vaccination Programs
  • On-site Workplace Services & Proactive clinics
  • Customised to Your Organisation’s Needs
  • Expert Advice from Health Professionals
  • Compliance with Health & Safety Regulations

Whether it’s flu shots, or Occupational required immunisations, Proactive Occupational Health makes it simple and easy for your organisation to stay protected.

Influenza Vaccinations

The impact of flu on the workforce

As we have seen this year the flu has a massive economic impact on New Zealand businesses every year. In New Zealand, research found the average annual cost of influenza-related workplace absence is $837 per employee.

On average, the flu affects 10-20% of the population every year. The average flu-affected employee takes between three and five off work and the seasonal nature of flu concentrates most of these absences into a relative short period, especially if employees catch the flu from each other. Most of us have had the experience of working somewhere when, in the space of a couple of weeks, the team members ‘drop like flies’ as illness circulates. This high and concentrated incidence, and long duration of impact per affected person, can decimate your workforce, throw business into chaos, and leave productivity (and profits) in a hole.

So, what do I do about it?

Well, that’s easy you trust the experts at Proactive Occupational Health to look after your team and their whanau. We can help look after your team in many ways.

First and foremost, the number one way to protect your team is with the influenza vaccine. We can tailor our process to meet your needs.

We can come to you:

We can send our team out to your workplace and deliver the vaccine on-site.

This approach cuts down on lost productivity as we cut down on travelling to the clinic.

This is ideal for those wanting to get it done quickly, but it doesn’t suit everyone as some people want that extra bit of privacy.

You can come to us:

If you want the personal touch, we can do that too. You can come and visit the awesome team at our locations throughout Aotearoa.

We can run clinics for your team or just see one person a t a time.

This is a great option for smaller businesses as you can tie it in with a group activity as well.

You can go where you want:

For those that don’t have the time or are out and about we have a third option.

We have partnered with Unichem Pharmacies so you can take a voucher and get it done at a time when it suits you.

The WHO have announced the influenza strains for the 2025 Southern Hemisphere Influenza season

  • an A/Victoria/4897/2022 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus;
  • an A/Croatia/10136RV/2023 (H3N2)-like virus;
  • a B/Austria/1359417/2021 (B/Victoria lineage)-like virus; and
  • a B/Phuket/3073/2013 (B/Yamagata lineage)-like virus.


The team at Proactive are here to provide you with your 2025 flu shot. Available from 8 April you can be be protected to prevent serious illness from influenza strains.

On the day of the booking:

  • Please ensure there is a room set aside for the nurse to administer the vaccinations, with a waiting area outside.
  • There should be a nominated current First aider available on site who introduces themselves to the nurse on arrival.
  • All staff wishing to be vaccinated, should have been given a consent form prior to their appointment. Please ask staff to have their consent form signed and ready for the nurse.
  • Each person vaccinated will need to wait in an area close to the room the nurse is vaccinating in for 20 minutes after the vaccination.
  • The nurse will remain on site for 20 minutes after the final vaccination.

Get In Early

The team at Proactive are here to provide you with your 2025 flu shot. Available from April you can be protected to prevent serious illness from influenza strains.  Click below to book.

Hepatitis Vaccinations

Hepatitis Vaccinations

If your employees are exposed to the biohazards of Hepatitis A or B and vaccination is part of your hazard control programme, Our team is able to vaccinate your employee either on your site or at our office.

We would require present evidence of immunity to both Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B; If they are not able to provide this information or have no previous exposure/immunity, we are able to provide testing and vaccination for this.

Tetanus, Diptheria and Pertussis (Whooping Cough)

If you have employees that have not been vaccinated in the last 10 years; we are able to provide this vaccination.  This vaccine is part of the national schedule, and most adults are due for a booster at 45 years old; and they may have been contacted by their health provider to receive this vaccine.

This can be done at our clinics or onsite in your workplace.

Book Now!

Click below to book.

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