Early Intervention Service


After an injury, whether at work or on the sports field it is important for your team to have access to effective health care in a timely manner.  Proactive’s Injury Triage can link your injured team member with one of our expert Physiotherapists in a matter of hours.  Along with targeted treatment our team will provide expert advice to ensure a quick recovery.

The most important feature to our Injury Triage service is that the focus remains on keeping your team member at work wherever possible, rather than them being signed off work.  Why is this important?  For over 20 years we have been experts in Vocational Rehabilitation – we know that when an employee stays engaged with the workplace their recovery is much faster

Injury triage services involve a physiotherapy assessment with a view of diagnosing the injury, understanding the extent of the injury and objectifying safe functional abilities in relation to your work environment. Decisions can then be made regarding the need for onward referral to appropriate medical specialists, functional ability to stay at work, participate in light or alternate duties as part of a graduated full return to work, or need to take time off work, and timeframes with a treatment plan for optimal recovery.  Where more specialised rehabilitation is required to assist in a return to work Proactive is able to trigger a Stay at Work (SAW) programme either through ACC at no cost to your business, or privately.

What is Proactive’s Early Intervention Service?

  • Early Intervention provides physiotherapy assessment and treatment to help your injured employee get better and stay at work
  • Supports workers after injury or if they are experiencing pain and discomfort in the workplace
  • Injury Triage assessment can be provided within 24 hours of referral to get rapid access to expert care
  • This service supports your organisation by providing injury management advice that is tailored to your worker and their role
  • Our team will provide a clear diagnosis and recommend the appropriate pathway of care
  • Advice is provided for the employee to progress safely back to normal duties

Why choose Proactive?

We’re here to proactively look after your business in caring for people. Here are the benefits in partnering with us and our Early Intervention Service.

  • Rapid response assessment and treatment by our Physiotherapy team in 24 hours
  • Access to our clinics nationwide
  • Clear communication to manager and employee
  • Reduce lost time to injury claims and cost to your organisation
  • Complete injury management approach with direct access to ACC pathways of care

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